Different kinds of dyes

# DEPENDS on apply method there are some kind of dyestuff below this:

1.      Direct dye.
2.     Acid dye.
3.     Basic dye.
4.     Reactive dye.
5.     Vat dye.
6.     Azoic dye.
7.     Aniline dye.
8.     Sulphur dye.
9.     Disperse dye.
10.   Mordant dye.
     Mineral khaki dye.
11.     Rapid and rapidogen dye.
12.    Onium dye.

# Name of the water solubility dye:

1.      Direct dye.
2.     Basic dye.
3.     Acid dye.
4.     Reactive dye.
5.     Optical whiteness.

# Name of the water UNDISSOLVED DYE:
1.      Vat dye.
2.     Sulphur dye.
3.     Disperse dye.
 # Normal application of the different kinds of dyestuff:
1.      Direct dye — Cotton, Viscos.
2.     Acid dye --- Wool, Silk, Nylon.
3.     Sulphur dye --- Cotton, Viscos.
4.     Re-active dye --- Cotton, Wool, Silk, Viscos, Nylon.
5.     Vat dye --- Cotton, Viscos, Silk, Wool.
6.     Basic dye --- Jute, Acrylic.
7.     Disperse dye --- Nylon, Polyester, Acrylic, tri-acitet, die-acitet.
8.     Mordant dye --- Cotton, wool, Silk.
9.     Mineral dye --- Cotton, Manmade fiber.
10.   Pigment dye --- Cotton, wool, silk.
Now in details of the different kinds of dye

Direct Dye

           Which dye has strong affinity to fiber and apply it directly that’s called Direct dye. Direct dye has strong affinity to cellulosic fiber. So that it’s called substantive (রং শোষনের হার) dye and direct cotton color.
Characteristics of direct dye:
1.      Direct dye has Na salt group of sulphonic and carboxylic acid. So it’s easily dissolved/liquefied/solved in water.
2.     It has strong affinity to cellulose fiber. Protein fiber also dyeing with this dye.
3.     It’s low price.
4.     It easily enters the fiber.
5.     Washing fastness not good.
6.     It applies generally alkali and Neutral medium.
Temperature remains 1000c to 800c during cotton dyeing by direct dye.
 Degree of PH/recommended PH
Most of the time direct dye apply on neutral solution pH= 7.
Commercial name of direct dye
                   Name                                         Manufacturer
1.      Durazol                                       ICI
2.     Chlorozol                                    IC.
3.     Solar                                          Sandoz
4.     Cuprafix                                      Sandoz

Basic Dye

          Which dye contain Amino or substitute amino group and become ionized produced colored cataion and colored anion is called Basic dye.
Properties of Basic dye:
1.      Basic dyes undissolved in water but dissolve in alcohol and methylated sprit.
2.     This kind of dye shade is very brilliant and tinctorial power is very high.
3.     No direct affinity to cotton fiber.
4.     Direct affinity to cotton fiber.
5.     Basic dye long lasting dye for manmade fiber preferably acrylic fiber.
6.     Basic dye is very glittering dye. Sometime it’s shade so much clear that it’s totally matchless.
During jute dyeing by basic dye temperature remain 80o to 100oC.During
wool dyeing by basic dye temperature remain up to 90oc.
Commercial name of basic dye
1.      Acronol                   ICI
2.     Maxilon                   cibageigy
3.     Adrazol                   bayer

Acid dye

Which dyes are Na salt of organic acid especially Na salt of sulphonic acid and that anion is active color component that’s called acid dye.
Properties of Acid dye
1.      Acid dye undissolved in water.
2.     Acid dye always apply organic or inorganic medium so it’s called acid dye
3.     Acid dye have direct affinity to protein fiber.
4.     Some of acid dye’s light fastness is good.
5.     Get luster shade from some of acid dye.
6.     Price low. It’s applying method easy.
Comparative study of acid dye
Strong acid dye
Weak acid dye
Neutral acid dye
It’s completely water dispersed
It’s disperse in water partially
It’s totally aggregated in water
Even dyeing
Dyeing not so good
Uneven dyeing
PH=5.2 – 6.2
PH= 7
Temperature maintain 100oc
Temperature remain 60 – 90oc
Temperature control 80- 90OC
Tread name of acid dye:
          Lurazol – (BASF), Kiton – (cibaeigy), Sandofast – (ici)

Reactive dye:

          Reactive dye made a covalent link and become a part of fiber. This kind of dye molecule contains some reactive group that reacts with fibers functional group like OH group from cellulose and NH­2­­ group from protein fiber. This is why this kind of dye called reactive dye.
Properties of reactive dye:
1.      It’s soluble in water
2.     Get every kind of shade by this dye.
3.     Do the Dyeing process in alkali condition
4.     Brightness and rubbing fastness comparatively good
5.     This dye rather cheap.
6.     This dyeing method rather easy.
 Measurement temperature of reactive dye by three ways
Ø  1. For high reactivity dyeing temperature remain 30 – 40oC (procion –M this class of dye)
Ø  2. For moderate reactivity dyeing temperature remain 60- 70oC. (livafix –E this class of dye)
Ø  3. Low reactivity dyeing temperature remains 80 -90oC. (premazine this class of dye)
Tread name of reactive dye:
1.      Procion – M         > ICI
2.     Procion – H         > ICI
3.     Cibacron    > ciba geingy
4.     Levaficx               > bayer

Vat dye

          Vat dye undissolved in water. There used wooden pot for dissolving vat dye in water. To make it soluble at first sodium hydroshulphet is used as reducing agent to react with vat dye and turn into leuco compound. Which is insoluble in water. Then this compound react with caustic soda and leuco salt which is dissolve in water. As it’s soluble by reduction process in vat chamber it’s called vat dye.
Properties of vat dye:
1.      Vat dye undissolved in water. It does not directly apply (it’s not directly applied) on textile material.
2.     Generally it’s used to dyeing cellulosic fiber.
3.     Rubbing fastness not good.
4.     Making this color is comparatively complicated.
5.     It gives different color shade.
6.     Comparatively it’s costly.
          Temperatures maintain 60oC to finish dyeing process by vat dye.
Commercial name of vat dye:
1.      Soledon     >        ICI
2.     Aigoi        >        bayer
3.     Indigoid    >        Sandoz
4.     Navisoi      >        indian.

Sulphur dye

Sulphur dye has Sulphur linkage in molecules and to make it soluble in water do reduction with sodium sulphied so it’s called Sulphur dye.
Properties of Sulphur dye:
1.      Sulphur dye reasonably cheap and using method easy.
2.     Wet and light fastness of Sulphur dye not so good.
3.     Sulphur dye undissolved in water but it react with Na­S (reducing agent) and produce thiol which is soluble in water.
D-S-S-D + Na­­S ---2[H]à D = SH+SH-D.
4.     For medium shade need 15% shade.
5.     Cellulose fiber easily dying by Sulphur dye.
          With conventional Sulphur dye temperatures maintain 90 – 1000C.
Use of Sulphur dye:
1.      Black Sulphur used to dyeing umbrella fabric.
2.     Sulphur dyed cotton fabric usually used for lining boot.
3.     In rubber industry another product dyeing with Sulphur dye. For this reason need after treatment by CuSO­.
Commercial name of Sulphur dye:
1.      Thional               à      ICI
2.     Calcahene   à      American cyamide co.
3.     Sulphosol   à      James Robinson co ltd.
4.     Pyrogene    à      ciba giegy.

 Disperse dye

          This color undissolved in water. Little bit dissolve in hot water. Use Coloring Polyester, nylon, cellulose, acited fabric. Dispersing agent ( are mixed with this dye ) which is enter dye molecule in fiber at high temperature like 130 – 2000C.
Properties of disperse dye:
1.      This little bit soluble in water.
2.     Light fastness fair to good.
3.     Get glittering shade.
4.     No affinity to cellulose and regenerated cellulose.
5.     Rubbing fastness good.
6.     Hamper by gas or nitrous oxide .
7.     This dye molecule smaller than other dye molecule.
8.     It tied with fiber by Hydrogen bond and vander-walles force.
List the name of commercial name of disperse dye:
1.      Celliton               à      BASF
2.     Resolone              à      Bayer
3.     Sumaron              à      Hoechst
4.     Novalon               è      Ciba-Geigy.
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